Schmap Milan Seventh Edition: Photo Inclusion

I am delighted to let you know that my submitted photo of Columns of S. Lorenzo has been selected for inclusion in the newly released seventh edition of Schmap Milan Guide.

This is the full text of the email I have received:

Hi Andrea,

I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo has been selected for inclusion in the newly released seventh edition of our Schmap Milan Guide:

Columns of S. Lorenzo

If you use an iPhone or iPod touch, then this same link will take you directly to your photo in the iPhone version of our guide. On a desktop computer, you can still see exactly how your photo is displayed and credited in the iPhone version of our guide at:

Columns of S. Lorenzo

Finally, if you have a blog, you might also like to check out the customizable widgetized version of our Schmap Milan Guide, complete with your published photo:

Thanks so much for letting us include your photo - please enjoy the guide!

Best regards,

Emma Williams,
Managing Editor, Schmap Guides


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